Gc fujicem 2 instructions
• Kereskedelmi megnevezes: GC FujiCEM 2 - Paste A • 1.2 Az anyag vagy keverek lenyeges azonositott felhasznalasai, illetve ellenjavallt felhasznalasai. Tovabbi lenyeges informaciok nem allnak rendelkezesre. • Anyag/keszitmeny hasznalata Fogaszati segedanyag. GC FujiCEM 2 rules out the need No need for previous etching and The mixed paste is not runny, yet of rubber dam or extra What you can expect from GC FujiCEM 2. With this enhanced luting cement - based on resin modified glass ionomer technology - you choose the manufacturer's instructions. G-cem automix 2 by gc. The new GC FujiCEM 2 is the result of a decade of continuous improvements, in addition to the solid reputation of more than 150 million cemented crowds all over the world. Thanks to the innovative Force & Fusion technology, FujiCEM 2 offers dentists the guarantee GC FujiCEM 2's "How to Secure the Mixing Tip" Video (by GC America). Learn more at For automixing, remove the cartridge cover. Before every use, check the two openings of the cartridge tip and confirm the pastes GC FujiCEM 2 is a resin-modified glass ionomer luting cement. Compared to original GC FujiCEM, it has increased bond strength to tooth structure and 130 all-ceramic restorations, cemented with GC FujiCEM 2, were recalled at two years. Restorations included 104 zirconia and lithium disilicate GC FujiCEM 2, ciment de scellement verre ionomere modifie a la resine en pate/pate, combine les dernieres technologies en matiere de verre ionomere Se basant sur la fiabilite de ses predecesseurs, GC FujiCEM 2 est le resultat d'une decennie d'experience avec plus de 150 millions de couronnes According to GC America, GC FujiCEM 2 resin modified glass ionomer luting cement is powered by F2 Flex Fuse Technology, which incorporates high-elastic crosslinking monomers with a modified filler-surface treatment to increase strength properties. The manufacturer says this technology significantly
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